Book 1 Summary

The Andaluins and the Chamber of 
Thousands Caves

1.- Summary
2.- Synopsis
3.- The market
4.- Table of Contents
5.- Final thought

1.- Summary
Do not believe in everything they have tought you...,
because may be it  is not the whole truth.

The world is divided in seven Dimensions: Three ruled by the Good ones, three by Evil ones,      and one, which keeps them apart.
In this one, in the fourth one...… a terrible war is taking place in order to conquer all the dimensions. This fight is developed  in an unnoticed way and in forms difficult to recognize. It happens every day in the streets, at work, at school, and even in our own houses… With the use of weapons, of bear hands and teeth, or with the power of the mind and imposition of ideals, even using magic… Manipulating others, with the abuse of power and strength.

If Evil manages to conquer this middle dimension, the equilibrium will be broken and the other dimensions ruled by the Good, are in danger of been conquered  too, because in the good dimensions, Evil does not exist.
This dimension, where good and evil have been fighting always, since the beginning of times, is known as Realdan, and is the dimension were we all live, the world we know...
In this dimension..., in our world, there exists one place that is the entrance portal to all the other dimensions. This place is called:  “The Enclosure of the Thousand Caves and there, are placed the “Seven Arcades”
Who commands these Arcades will be able to circulate freely thrugh them, to all the other dimensions. The forces of evil are after this magic chamber in order to fight for it, and take possession...of tre hole creation.
Three kids, accidentally discover this magic Chamber and become the guardians of the seven Arcades.  

They become “Andaluins”, and with the help of their pets, their grandpas and the witch cooker of the house, they protect the Chamber with courage and self giving from the King of Evil, Belnaster´s intention of conquering it. They will have to fight with incredible creatures of others dimensions, other planets, and even of other times.
They will have to face the terrible Metamorcorpus, the frightening Aracnodum, the horrible Putredecter and many more. And will meet fantastic beings that will help them to maintenance the equilibrium of the universe: the Roblents, the Hormitrons and Hormkell the unicorn, between others that will be side to side with them, in this war against evil.
There are tough times to come, and it seems that evil forces are winning, making wars all around and creating misunderstandings, fear and lies among human beings, among every living being of Realdan.

After thousands of years, they have discovered the location of the magic Chamber and they are ready to attack, in order to conquer it.

Only these three kids and a mysterious character are between their plans...

¿What will happen? ¿Can evil reach its objectives?

2.- Synopsis
         Lucia, Thomas and Santiago live in a small neighborhood.  It’s the beginning of summer vacation and these three inquisitive children are looking for excitement.  They have a love for adventure that has been embedded into their very being through the myriad of wonderful stories which their father Peter has been telling them for as long as they can remember. In these tales the children are the protagonists accompanied by their pets Simon, the goose and Tango, their dog.  With the stories as a guideline the children have become real explorers and learned many things such as what gear to bring along, doing reconnaissance of new places ,living imaginative adventures, and always with an emergency plan of exit, when things went wrong..
As the summer goes by, the children entertain themselves playing with their pets and by setting up an investigation agency.  They solve minor crimes and mysteries in the neighborhood and generally help anyone in need of it.  Meanwhile their parents are dreading the fact that they have some bad news for the children. Because of their financial situation they are going to have to move in with their grandparents who live in a large and old house in another neighborhood called “El Prado”.  The children are  unhappy by the news but try to make the best of the situation.
When moving day arrives, Nani and Papo, their grand parents, welcome them into their new home,  along with Amanda their wonderful servant; an elderly woman who somehow cooks, cleans, and manages the entire household single-handedly.
Their grandmother offers them an office for the investigation agency and they set out to solve the mystery of their grandfather’s study.  Papo has a secret study which is off limits to everyone except Amanda.  Not even Nani is allowed into this room where their grandfather would spend long hours and from which strange beams of light would often emerge. 
Shortly after Lucia finds a book on the coffee table which seems to have appeared out of nowhere.  It deals with myths and legends of “El Prado” and mentions the Chamber of the Thousand Caves which is hidden somewhere in the vicinity.  The book puts her in a trance and sends her to the basement where she opens up a portal in the wall before her.  A strange dark creature begins to emerge from the other side and Lucia’s two brothers, who have followed her to the basement, are helpless to stop it.  Suddenly Tommy feels a fury building within him and extending his arm a beam of light shoots from the palm forcing the creature to retreat and closing the portal.
 Their grandmother finds out what Lucia has been reading and it turns out to be a forbidden book. While tending to Lucia’s recovery she explains that the book has probably been planted in the house in order to use the girl to open a portal from another dimension.  She goes on to tell how there are many different species of creatures which were once at war.  A superior being named Gra Ador divided them into different dimensions in order to bring  peace.  There are seven dimensions, the lowest being the first.  This is the one which closest resembles hell and is ruled by an evil being named Belnaster who wants to take control of the other six dimensions through the use of his minions, the Polidrugs.  
Later on, Santiago finds in a turn of the house, a magical library and takes a book called “The Testament of Time”.  The book provides them with more information about the Seven Dimensions and they learn that the Chamber of the Thousand Caves is a magical place containing the Seven Portals which will allow them to travel between dimensions to wherever they want in space and time.  These chambers are hidden throughout our world and are protected by a caste of warriors called the Andaluins.
The children then return to the basement in search of the Chamber of a Thousand Caves and find the door which leads into it.  They see the Seven Portals and a control center which allows to travel between the dimensions to the time and place of their choosing.  Aside from this there are many other caves, each with a label showing where they lead.
            One of these labels reads grandpa’s study and the children decide to enter.   Papo is inside waiting expectantly and explains to the children that he is an Andaluin. The children discover they too are Andaluins and this has enabled them to open the door to the chamber.
            When they return to the house they find that their uncle Agustin from Spain has come to visit them.   In order to continue exploring the chamber they leave Santiago with him to keep him busy.  Then Tommy and Lucia return to the caves and enter one labeled “The fascinating world of gnomes and other creatures of the woods”.  They soon find out that they are in a prehistoric land filled with dinosaurs and barely escape alive.  Meanwhile Santiago overhears Amanda speaking with a “polidrug”, one of Belnaster’s minions, in the garage.  She tells him how she has changed the label to one of the caves and that the children will soon be out of the way.  Once the children were taken care of they would be able to control chamber.  
Santiago rushes to the basement to help them  and upon finding them falls to the floor in convulsions suffering from some kind of poison.  Lucia runs to his aid and when she lays her hands upon him discovers a magical healing power which saves his life.  Santiago tells them that Amanda is a traitor and they suspect that she may have poisoned the food which Santiago and Agustin had eaten earlier.  They rush off in search of Agustin and find him in the same state that Santiago was.  Once again Lucia must make use of her new power. 
            Their grandfather can’t believe that Amanda is a traitor.  After all, she has been with them for many years and helped him to defend the chamber on countless occasions.   Unfortunately the circumstances leave him with no other choice but to get rid of her.   The fact that she must go saddens the children even though they believe her to be guilty. 
            Soon after Amanda has gone Lucia strangely disappears and Agustin, Santiago and Tommy decide to go and look for her.  Tommy begins searching in the attic while Santiago and Agustin begin in the basement.  As Tommy searches upstairs the house begins to tremble and there is a scream.  He rushes down to the basement and finds Santiago frozen like a statue and Agustin in the middle of a magical battle with Amanda.  The door to one of the lower dimensions is open and through it they can be see a hellish army approaching.  Tommy decides to take action and strikes out at Amanda.   At the same time Lucia appears coming out of one of the portals. She screams to Tommy not to attack her  but it is too late.  Amanda is left unconscious on the floor. 
When Tommy asks her why she interferes she explains that she has just returned from Spain with the real Agustin.  The one before them now was a shape shifter who was trying to take control of the chamber.   Apparently he had taken the form of Amanda in order to incriminate her and draw attention away from himself.  Lucia got suspicious when she tried to save him from the poison and sensed that he wasn’t in need of her ailing.
Suddenly Agustin transforms into a huge dragon.  Alone the children are no match for the creature but they discover that by working together they have a chance.  They combine all three of their newly discovered powers and in this way the dragon is defeated and the portal is closed before the infernal army can reach it. 
The chamber is in ruins but the danger is past.  Once again our dimension is safe and life goes on for the children but from now on nothing will ever be the same.  They have accepted their roles in life as Andaluins and will remain united and prepared in case evil ever returns to put us in danger.

3.- Marketing the book
The Andaluins is focuses for kids from 10 years and up to grown up people who have a child´s soul inside. In these years I have met a lot of fathers that confess me that they have bought the book for their son´s but once they have taken a look at it, they get caught  by it.
I’m sure the readers are going to love it. It’s a book with lot of action, combining magic with technology, ancient and hidden science with fantastic weapons; strange and fantastic creatures combined with super natural events that have really happened, or is presumed that has happened in the past: like Bermuda’s triangle, Stonehenge, the Atlantes civilization, the Philadelphian experiment, Merlin the magician, etc. But all these stories had a strong basement with a whole new interpretation of the origin of times: a universe divided in seven dimensions caused by an extreme global war that had devastated the earth since the beginning of history.
The fact that the story happens in a neighborhood like any other, the three principals characters are kids like everybody with the same dreams and the same fears is another ingredient of the story. Incredible things are happening to these three children’s while the other people in the neighborhood, ignore it completely. But beware because this could be happening right now in your own neighborhood.

I’ve already visited more than 30 schools and colleges and spoken to more than 2000 students that have read the book in class, and I can tell with property that they loved it. All the boys have basically the same dreams; the same fantasies so I’m sure North American boy are going to like it  to.

Finally I want to say that everything the kids decided to do, they make their decisions based on values, those values without which, life in society is not possible.. Values like love, compassion, honor, respect, honesty, comprehension, tolerance, courage, etc.

4.- Table of Contents
 1. A troublesome trio.
Presentation of the three principal characters and their pets.
2. The sinister house of Mr. Odorus Pondpork:
The kids visit the terrifying house of the Pondpork´s family.
3. The investigation agency:
Luli, Tomy and Santi decide to put an investigation agency.
4. A new friend:
They make friendship with a little rabbit.
5. The forbidden cemetery:
Tomi falls into the forbidden cemetery while the rest is looking for him.
6. Bad news.
The whole family will have to move to grandpa’s house in the city.
7. The house of “El Prado”.
Moving in.
8. In the edge of mystery:
The mystery of Papo’s study.
9. Adventurer  rules:
They meet a Polidrug.
10. The damned book:
Luli get possessed by an evil book.
11. First encounter with evil:
Tommy and Santi saved Luli in the basement.
12. The beginning of time:
First approach to the explanation of the Seven Dimensions.
13. “The Alcántora”:
Santy founds a magic library.
14. The witness of times:
Santy stole a magical book.
15. Santiago´s trial:
Santi gets judged for his crime.
16. The cellar:
Looking in the basement for a secret chamber.
17. The Enclosure of the Thousand Caves:
They found the enclosure of the Thousand Caves.
18. El study of Papo.
They enter into the incredible study.
19. An unexpected encounter.
Uncle Augustine comes to visit.
20. The fantastic hidden power of Luli.
Luli discovers a incredible power of her own.
21. Bye bye traitor.
Firing Amanda’s from the middle dimension.
22. The battle for the domination of the enclosure.
The enclosure is in danger.
23. New day after the storm.
The kids become Andaluins.

5.- Final thought
We writers have an incredible opportunity that we can not waste: the fact that thousands may be millions of children’s are reading our books. That is a fantastic opportunity to leave something more than a good story, something to think about, something that when the story is gone, the ideas don´t.
We are living in though times, times that require from us all a compromise.
What we do now is what our sons are gone to inherit. They are learning what we teach them. We teach them with our actions. Don’t expect them to do better than we do, if we don’t show them how.

Thank you for your time. Gabriel Aznarez